
ADAMA | Black Gaze, Black Bodies

Tuesday 3rd October, 18:00

African Diaspora Art Museum of Atlanta (ADAMA), 352 University Ave, Atlanta, GA 30315
Curated by Paris-based, Ghanaian curator Esse Dabla-Attikpo, Black Gaze Black Bodies is a dynamic exhibition that draws inspiration from the rhythmic interplay of hip-hop, weaving together visuals from diverse African, European, and American perspectives. Through this antiphonal approach, we create a platform for thought-provoking discussions and exchanges.

Our mission is to challenge the public's preconceived notions about male hip-hop artists as shaped by the media. We invite you to unlearn these stereotypes and explore a more authentic portrayal of hip-hop culture. By questioning established notions of masculinity, we aim to present a narrative that resonates with the spirit of this vibrant art form.

While the concept of the "male gaze" typically carries negative connotations within the realm of gender inequality, in this context, it refers to the passionate photographers I collaborate with. These talented individuals bring their love for hip-hop culture, using their gaze to capture its essence and elevate it to new heights.

Pittsburgh Yards has ample on-site and free parking.

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